• Program


    Counterbalance (Stalter)
    Asturias (arr. Lopez)
    October (Whitacre)
    Carnaval in Sao Paulo (Barnes)
    Nightmare Before Christmas (arr. Brown)
    Tidings (Wagner)
    The Christmas Song (Snyder/Higgins)

  • Concert

    Christmas Concert!

    Come out and hear us and our sister ensemble, the UTSC Alumni & Community Concert Choir, perform along with some of the small ensembles that have grown out of the band — the \”Harmonie Wind Octet\” and \”Breaking Brass\”.

    When:  Saturday November 14, 7 – 9 PM

    Where: 1265 Military Trail, UofT Scarborough, AC 223

    Tickets: Pay what you can (Suggested $2)
